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Tenor | Tenor Audio |Best of Montreal 2023

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Best of Montreal Audio Fest 2023:


“Quebec-based Lemay Audio was one of my best sounds of the show."

Enjoy the Music:

"Last year Lemay had one of the most spectacular rooms I've ever heard, so I was eagerly anticipating this year's presentation with a scaled-down version of their previous speaker. While the speaker was scaled down (relatively speaking), the presentation felt hemmed in by the smaller room. It was still outstanding… 

… Amplification was by the magnificent (and expensive) Tenor. And Modulum stands and footers were used throughout.


"The descriptors that came to me first with regard to the Lemay Audio system were natural, beautiful, articulate, and incredibly immersive. One had but to enter the room to not want to leave it…

…  A Best of Show room without doubt.”

Trust Your Senses!

Tenor Phono 1 Magazine 2
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